Sunday, August 24, 2014

Another one bites the dust

I know you have all been waiting with bated breath... I finally found pants! Nike slim dri-fit trak pants. Multiple pockets! A real drawstring (they don't fall down)! Sweat wicking fabric! Ventilation! AND and I paid 22 bucks for the then at the Nike outlet. Ah, there's the catch. The outlet. Of course this means they are being discontinued. I'll probably go back and buy to more, assuming there are any left.

I took them for a test run today, and though the pants stayed up, I did not. I made it about a block before BAM! My first running fall. And it was a doozy. Banged up elbow, a scarped hand, and a bleeding, swollen knee cap. Ouch. And the pants? Well, they're not ruined, but they are certainly worse for wear.

I won't be running, or doing much activity, for a few days. I won't lie- I'm kind of looking forward to an excuse to sit on the couch the rest of the day, but I'm actually really disappointed that I didn't get to work out today. I never thought I'd say that!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Running a mile on someone else's route

I am a creature of habit. A change to my routine, and what little healthy eating and exercise I do goes out the window. The next few weeks do not bode well.

My boyfriend and I just sold our condo and are waiting to close on our new place in a few weeks. In the meantime, we are lucky enough to be staying with family, while 95% of our belongings chill in their garage. (Seriously, how do people buy and sell real estate at the same time?) Though we are excited to be moving on to the next phase and into a real home together, this state of limbo may kill me.    Thankfully, we're eating home cooked meals most nights. But I find myself in a house with snacks that I haven't personally bought in months and I'm trying like hell not to eat them all. This is on me. I'm not going to tell the people kind enough to take us in that they can't bring cookies into their own home! It's bad enough that I am scanning every little thing  they cook with to calculate its Weight Watchers point value. Yes, I am that person. I kinda hate that person. But I need to keep myself from going off the deep end.

And fitness? Well, that's another story. I had just gotten used to--and even rocked-- the longer, hilly route in our old neighborhood, but it, and our regular gym, are too  out of the way to go there after work. I planned to use the gym at work, but got an email last week that it's closed until September!  I've tried running in the new, temporary neighborhood, and HOLY SHIT IT'S HARD! These hills are no joke. The route is totally foreign to me. It sucks. I will keep trying over the course of the next few weeks, I have to. But I feel like the odds are stacked against me a little. Maybe I'm making excuses and really I just need to suck it up and deal.

So what do I do? I have worked through a lot in the past few months, but I haven't encountered a long- standing change to my routine yet. This will prove itself to be a real challenge. Any suggestions on how to stay focused when your world is topsy-turvy?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Is this really the worst thing I can be?

I've always been the fat kid. There, I said it. What mystifies me is when other people feel the need to point it out. Oh really? I thought I looked like Cindy Crawford.  I mean, Jesus, the name of this blog has"fat" in the title. I'd like to say that teasing and name calling stopped in high school, but the truth is even adults are guilty of it.  To be clear, I'm not looking for pity. I'm a big girl (no pun intended) and I can handle it. But I feel the need to talk about it, and I'm certainly not the first blogger to bring this up.

We're all guilty of some kind of bias, some kind of prejudice,  and for some reason, ridiculing people based their physical appearance seems to be socially acceptable to many. Or funny even. It really proves someone's immaturity when the worst he or she can do is call me fat. Is that all you got? If you're going to insult me, at least have the sense to insult my character. Here's the thing: I can stop being fat, but you will probably never stop being an asshole. If the worst thing about me is the way I look, I'm doing pretty well by me, and by a lot of other people, thank you very much.

Maybe you think I'm a slob, maybe you think I'm lazy, maybe you assume I am unhealthy, maybe you think I just stuff food in my mouth all day long. Nothing could be further from the truth. I work hard at a demanding job. I run. I am very conscious about what I eat. I've lost 35 pounds in the past 5 months    ( and even so, I am still overweight, yes). But why do you look at me and assume I'm downing a pint of Ben and Jerry's for dinner every night? It's no different than looking at a skinny girl and assuming she's living off cigarettes and carrot sticks. Neither assumption is fair or right.
So what's my point? I guess I just want us to all think about what we say to each other, to be careful about what we assume. I'd like us all to stop shaming each other.

I could go on, but this  great blog post on Huffington Post says it better than I can.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Have you considered pants?

I'm basically down to one pair pants I actually like to run in-- and the seam split yesterday. Oh, you know I am going to sew those bad boys up and get as much use out of them as possible.  But they will rip again and where will that leave me? You may say "just go buy another pair, fool!" Here's the rub: they're from the Gap and in typical fashion, the Gap doesn't make that style anymore. Not to mention that I cut them myself from a full length pant to a capri. I basically made my own damn pants.

My issue with running pants is that they all seem to fall down on me. I've gone up a size, down a size, tried those useless infinity drawstrings (how the hell do those stay put??) but it doesn't seem to matter. I jump up and down in the dressing room like a fool and before you know it, they're all past my ass. Maybe it's because my ass is big. I don't know. But this is not ok.

I need help, serious help. And suggestions. Where are the pants?!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Am I One of Them?

Today I did something I have never done. I went for two runs. I had planned to run after work through a lovely green space near my office--which,  by the way, when dodging bikers, walkers, joggers, the geese and the goose poop, is like running an obstacle course. When I got home, I convinced myself to do it all again around the neighborhood, with far fewer obstacles.Work- life and life -life have been stressful lately and I have actually come to see running as an outlet for all that stress. It really got me thinking about what I had already intended to be topic for this post: I hesitate to call myself  a runner.

Even though I do run, and I went so far as to start a friggin' blog about it, I really hesitate to call myself a runner. There has to be an average mileage requirement. Is it 5 miles? 10 miles? It's certainly not "only" 2.5, is it? Or is it? I've had a few joggers wave, nod, or smile while passing me. I've tried to smile or wave back, bur fear I look like I am having a medical episode. Tonight, a man in a passing car beeped at me; let's just go with the idea that it was a sign of support. (No, sir, no need to call the police, I am not being chased!) So if these strangers actually mistake me for a runner, why can't I? Yesterday morning I dragged myself out of bed at 5am to run. Today I logged more miles in one day than I ever have. So what gives-- why do us short distance runners hesitate to call ourselves what we are?

I do know one thing: I'm taking tomorrow off!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Motivation, where art thou?

I can come up with 50 excuses not to go to the gym or even walk around the block. I pretty much lack motivation, so when I have to dig deep, I've found these tips helpful:

1. Challenge yourself. I recently changed my outdoor running route to include more hills and tacked on an extra 1/2 mile- and the first time I completed it, I felt like a million bucks. I look forward to this new route, this new challenge. So whether you push yourself to run another mile, bike at more of an incline, or add another 5 minutes to your evening walk, when you achieve the new goal, you'll want to keep going! Just make sure you set realistic goals.

2.Challenge your friends. 3 friends and I just completed a challenge: travel 200 miles over 90 days. The beauty of this is that we track any kind of activity throughout the day, like walking to the subway or steps we take while we're out shopping . When you look it, you realize it adds up!  I use the free Nike fitness app on my iPod for running and walking and mileage counters on the machines at the gym. Of course, you may use Run Keeper or have a FitBit or a regular old pedometer. If you're walking, running, or biking outside, you can always refer to Google maps.

3.  Wear something you feel good in. You deserve something better than that free T shirt you've been holding onto for 7 years. Invest in some quality sweat wicking clothes that actually look a little put together. You don't have to break the bank- Target and Old Navy both offer cute, quality workout clothes at reasonable prices. My favorite running shirt is obscenely bright and cost $10 at H&M. Hey, just cause you're sweating your ass off doesn't mean you can't be cute! If you like the clothes, you'll be more excited to actually wear them. Hopefully to work out in :)

 4. Think of something else. So you got dressed- that's the first step! You still need to remain motivated while active. I just try to keep my mind off it as much as possible. Watch the TV at the gym, draft a work email in your head on a run, make a mental shopping list, think about what you'll make for dinner. Practice what you'd say to Justin Timberlake if you met him in person. Hey, do what you gotta do to make the time pass!

5. Be your own cheerleader. When I hit my 2.5 mile goal is today, I clapped and cheered for myself (and continued to run further). That's right, no shame!

What are your tricks to stay motivated?