It's easy to focus on the things I haven't done, or haven't done well. Since my little tumble two weeks ago, I've only been for 3 rather short runs,and my eating habits have really suffered as we have approached phase 2 of the big move. Rather than beat myself up about it (sometimes, you just need cookie dough Oreos) I've tried to focus on all the good stuff I've accomplished the summer of 2014- the Summer of Change!
1. Hiked a mountain - with 15 lbs strapped to my back, no less
2. Got a promotion at work
3. Completed 2 5ks, lived to tell the tale
4. Lost 14 lbs since June, despite vacations/business travel and we're-moving-and-don't-have-food-or-plates-so-let's-have-takeout dinners
5. Become a homeowner!
It's been a summer out of the ordinary for me, but regardless of how big or small the accomplishment, we all should take the time to acknowledge our own awesomeness. It always seems easier to focus on the negative, the stuff you didn't do, but I'm hoping you'll look back on the summer and remember all the things you did right!
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