Monday, January 4, 2016

Twenty Sixteen

I don't do New Year's resolutions.

I mean, don't get me wrong, there are certainly things I need to improve upon (every day), but I don't like the idea of setting some potentially unrealistic goal. What happens if by the next December 31 I am 5 lbs heavier rather than 15 lbs lighter? Does that mean my entire year was a disaster? How many of us "resolve" to do something, go at like gangbusters for 2 months, then totally fall off the wagon and forget about it until December 30th? And it's impossible to lose 15 lbs in a day.

That being said, goals are generally good. There are things that I struggle with every day, and every day I try to get better. At the risk of sounding like I am making resolutions, I am going to share some of those things with you:

1. I need to be nicer-- to myself. As a byproduct, I will probably be nicer to others, as well.
I think we all--especially women-- struggle with this. How many times have you said to yourself (maybe even today) I'm worthless, I'm fat, I'm awful at my job, I don't know why I bother, I'm an idiot, I'll never be able to run this race, I'm slow, My ass looks huge, I'm stupid? Think about it-- did you tell yourself anything like this today? I certainly did. Now think about this-- would you ever say these things to a good friend (or anyone??) Can you imagine texting a dear friend right now "You're bad at your job and pretty ugly, too"? NO (at least I hope the answer is no), so why is it okay to say this to yourself? It's not nice. I have also been thinking about how it may make others feel. Think about how you internalize it when a good friend complains that she's fat or stupid. Do you think to yourself, good Lord, if she's fat what does she think about ME?? Is it possible that the people around you internalize, as well? If I complain about having a bad (for me) race and an awful pace , how does my friend who finished after me feel? Of course, my negative comments are not directed towards her, at all. They have nothing to do with her. But if I were on the other side, I may think, Jeez if she's slow, she must think I suck. Maybe I am too sensitive (I have been told as much). But think about it.

2. I need to relax.  It's a fact that I am one of those people who considers vacuuming or ironing "relaxing". Housework is my happy place. Really. One of my favorite things is cleaning the house while my husband is at work on a Saturday morning. It offers me the order and control I desperately crave. But the truth is, I can't truly relax. Last week I was on vacation from work, and one day, while hubby was getting ready to go to his work, I said very confidently that I was going to have a LAZY DAY! My lazy day consisted of doing a load of laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, mopping the kitchen floor, baking cupcakes, loading the dishwasher, running 2 miles, unloading the dishwasher, frosting previously baked cupcakes, and vacuuming the house. Sheesh. What's worse is that each time I have a massage (which is once a month-- a worthy luxury) my masseuse tells me to the relax, to which I respond "I AM relaxed!". I'm not. During a massage. It's sad.

So there it is. I refuse to succumb and call these "resolutions". But I do strive to be better. Whether you call them goals or resolutions or you're just trying to be a little better day to day, best of luck in the New Year!

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