Thursday, December 18, 2014

I think I can, I think I can?

It's on record: 10k training begins in January.

OH. DEAR. GOD. I am terrified

I have been reading articles about "taking my run to the next level" and it scares the crap out of me. You'll have to start running 5 days a week, they say. You'll need to average 15-20 miles a week. Get used to running 60 minutes at a time. Get used to  declining social invitations.  This isn't me. The thought of running for an hour makes me want to hurl. I'm weak! I'll fold too easily! Just last night, I got a last minute invitation to play bar trivia (if you know me, you know I take this very seriously), when I had already decided that I NEEDED to go to the gym. Frankly, I allowed myself to eat too many delicious leftovers from the previous day's office potluck,  not mention what I consumed at the actual potluck, and an after work run was my get out of jail free card...

Despite knowing better, I totally rationalized not going to the gym. I'll have light beer. Or no beer. I'll order something relatively healthy. I'll wake up early the next day and work out ('cause that always happens). Being social is good! Trivia works out the brain, which is just as important as the body! But in the back of my head, I just kept thinking:  I haven't even begun my training yet and I am already failing.

In the end, I did go to trivia, with no guilt. I used the gym at work (duh! that was an obvious choice), changed (sans shower, sorry fellow trivia go-ers!), and got the bar on time. I was able to have my chicken gorgonzola salad and eat it, too.

Maybe I shouldn't be as terrified as I am. Maybe I can figure out this run/life/work balance, after all. I guess the real question is: am I up for the challenge? I think so.

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