Tuesday, January 13, 2015

From Russia, With Vodka

For me, the holidays are not officially over until my good friend's anual Russian Christmas celebration, which  happened this past weekend. If you're not lucky enough to have an awesome friend who lived in Russia and continues her connection to the country by hosting a food and drink orgy annually, let me break it down for you:
Wine.  Cheese. Vodka. Cheese. Crostini. Football (on a good year).Vodka. Sugared lemons. Cheese.Wine. Conversation about men who wear silicone suits to look like women. Borscht (beets are good for you!). Vodka. Wine. Cupcake. Cupcake. Cookie. Vodka. Wine. Water.

I have no regrets. Really. I can't feel guilty for allowing myself in indulge in a celebration. But unlike previous years, I am back to reality, getting my eating and exercise on track, not allowing myself to use the "holiday" excuse clear through June. These nights of indulgence (which will be the title of the romance novel I write about my relationship with wine and cake--a threesome!--so HANDS OFF) are the exception and not the rule these days. I've come a long way in the past 10 months and 50 pounds and I have nothing to feel guilty about. I am stronger than vodka and brie!

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