I think I'll try 6 miles today. Yeah, if I walk a little, I can totally do it. Ok, I feel good! I'm totally going to run a half marathon next year. Well, actually my legs feel a little weak. And it's hotter out than I was expecting. Has this route always had this much incline? I forgot sunblock. How is it so hot? Try and smile at these people as you pass them...they did not smile back. Another person...try to look like a real runner, run faster. And maybe hold your breath a little. Ugh, I exerted too much energy trying not to look like a stroke victim when I passed that woman. I'll just run the normal 5 miles. Seriously, when did it get so hot? If I turn right here instead of left, then it's only 4 miles. I can live with that. 4 miles! Did I tie my laces too tight? It feels like it. Jesus, my fingers are swollen. If I just make it to 3 miles, I can take a little walk break. Oh, F this, I'm walking the rest of the way.
And so went my late morning run. I barely eeked out 3 miles before, well, giving up. I know all runners have good days and bad days. I know there is no real shame in walking. I know I need to listen to my body. I know the weather is a factor. (Did I mention it's hot? To be clear, I am not complaining about the weather-- I am not allowed to after the winter we had-- just stating fact.) I know that I've come a long way. I know all of these things! But can we admit that it's still frustrating? Grrr! I had a similar experience a few weeks ago, stopping exactly where I did today and walking the rest of the way home. For the first time in months, I gave into to that annoying voice that says "you can't do this, just stop, no one will know", a voice that I had become rather good at ignoring. Admittedly, I felt like a failure.
You're probably reading this and thinking, well that's dramatic! You're right, it kind of is. I'm nothing if not dramatic. Deep down I know that running any amount of miles--whether I need to walk a little or not-- is a real accomplishment, and that I would only fail if I didn't go back out the next day or the next and try again. And so, I will try again. I will hit the 6 mile mark one day (soon), and because I want to, I run even further than that. All in good time.
No shame in a little drama. It happens when you put so much of yourself into something only to bump into a rough day (week, month...). I get frustrated all the time